Wednesday, August 31, 2011

a BabyGirl Update...

I'm writing today with a more positive outlook, a happy heart, and a stress level that has gone down to a 3 versus a 10!!! That in itself is something to be excited about!!!

Have I mentioned that my husband is out of town this week in Las Vegas, in a class that is non-refundable (and the cost was enormous), plus a hotel room, plus a rental car...which equals I'm on my own....I guess I will add that my mom is here in the event something happens :-) That alone was enough to send any sane human being over the edge in a time of worry, let alone a time of crisis. After my appointment with Dr. Klaich yesterday I am much more confident that there will be no baby in his absence!!!

So...on with the update. Dr. Oki is my Perinatologist, and he might just be the nicest human being on this planet. We have spent 3 days a week with this incredible man for the past 3 weeks, and yesteday I got to go back to my regular OB, Dr. Klaich. Dr. Oki and Klaich spoke extensively about my current condition, and are each going to see me once a week to monitor the baby.

IUGR causes stillbirth, and Klaich told me that he is extremely confident that with monitoring of the baby 2 times per week we will be able to avoid any instance of stillbirth because they will be able to see it in the monitoring. From what I understand they are able to predict the instance of stillbirth based on Non-Stress tests...crazy technology. I will be seeing Klaich every Tuesday and Oki every Friday. Klaich will be monitoring me, and Oki will be monitoring me plus doing growth and umbilical dopplers to assess the bloodflow from the placenta.

I have my next doppler reading on Friday, at that appointment we will be able to see if the bloodflow into the umbilical cord has completely stopped, or if its just attempting to. If its stopped we go to the hospital, if it hasn't we go on with life on the left side and that lovely 70 grams of protein a day!

Right now I continue to be appointment to appointment because there is really no reversing what has already been done, but if we can make it to 36 weeks (only 4 weeks away) they are going to take the baby then. This just happens to fall the same week as London's birthday. How ironic is it that regardless of due dates we will have babies which were conceived on the exact same day, 3 years apart, born at the same time. **Irony at its best**

Until next time...

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